19 January 2024

Oil Remover: The Complete Guide to Types and Applications

deoliatore gravitazionale con filtro a coalescenza, uno dei tipi di deoliatori disponibili

The gravitational oil separator is an essential component in water treatment plants, designed to effectively separate the oils present in wastewater , and thus facilitate the purification process . This wastewater pre -treatment system is usually positioned upstream of a purification plant, after a sand trap or before a septic tank or an imhoff pit.

There are several variations of gravitational oil separators, including static and coalescing ones.

Static or coalescing gravitational oil separator? Differences and advantages

The operation of a static gravitational oil separator and a coalescing gravitational oil separator is almost the same, and uses the force of gravity. The water enters the oil separator, in an area defined as the separation area, in which oils and fats (with a density lower than 0.85 g/cm3, as for diesel and petrol), foams and detergent substances separate from the wastewater and float on the surface .

The difference between static gravitational oil separator and coalescence oil separator lies precisely in the possible presence of a coalescence filter. This filter facilitates the physical process whereby, when two drops of liquid are at a particularly close distance, mutual attraction causes the molecules to join together to form a larger drop, overcoming the separation forces. In this way, it is possible to achieve significantly higher levels of wastewater purification.

For the rest, the same force of gravity that pushes the oily substances to the surface also accumulates the heavier parts in suspension, such as crushed stone, sand, stones and pieces of rubber and metal, towards the bottom, in the so-called sedimentator. This is a calm area, in which the flow of wastewater to be treated slows down, to allow heavy substances to settle more easily in the sludge and sediment accumulation area.

Types and use of static and coalescence gravitational oil separators

Gravitational coalescence oil separators are used in particular in accumulation and continuous first rain systems . Di Camillo Serbatoi, for example, includes them as standard in its systems.

Static gravitational oil separators are used to treat water from yards, car parks and workshops, as well as in car wash purification systems . Some regional regulations, however, in particular that of the Puglia region, require the use of an oil remover also to treat second rain water before draining.

A further distinction also concerns the shape of the gravitational oil separators, corrugated or smooth. The corrugated gravitational oil separators are in fact equipped with special reinforcing ribs, absent in the cheaper smooth ones, which make them more resistant to earthwork operations.

Maintenance of the oil separator

Maintenance of the oil separator is an operation that must be carried out periodically. In fact, every two months a visual inspection should be carried out to ensure that the hydraulic levels are regular, and that the drains, channels and wells are not obstructed by sand, foliage and solid bodies.

When it is found that the quantity of accumulated material compromises the purification efficiency, it is instead necessary to proceed with purging operations. It involves completely extracting all the accumulated material, washing the oil separator and the connecting pipes, also using tools to remove crusts, and following washing, filling the oil separator with clean water.

Bleeding the oil separator, however, can only be carried out by competent and authorized companies. The extracted wastewater, in fact, is special waste and must therefore be disposed of as such.

For your oil separators, and for all your wastewater purification and treatment needs, therefore, turn to Di Camillo Serbatoi . Di Camillo Serbatoi has decades of experience in the production of black and gray water treatment components and systems. An experience, that of our technical staff, which will help you identify the instruments and purification systems best suited to your needs, and all accompanied by the necessary certifications in accordance with the law, and use and maintenance manuals.